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Is There Enough Biomass to Fuel the World? Part II

How much energy do we need and what do we use it for? In this part, it is determined that the world needs 435 TWh per day, of which 87% comes from fossil fuels. This energy is needed in 3 sectors for 3 different purposes (3x3 energy rule). The sectors are transportation, industry and buildings. The purposes are heating, transport and electricity. Depending on the region, most of our energy is required in the transportation sector and for heating purposes.

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Is There Enough Biomass to Fuel the World? Part I

How much biomass is produced each year and how much can we sustainably harvest? In the first part of this series, we find that the annual global production of land-based biomass is 50 billion tons, of which roughly 8 billion tons of biomass can be sustainably harvested each year. This is determined by dividing biomass into four distinct groups suitable for energy production: wood, agriculture, food waste and manure. For each group, the amount of annual ‘production’ and the amount suitable for sustainable ‘harvest’ is determined, adhering to the ‘food, feed, fiber first’ principle.

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Energy & Emissions Vincent Doedee Energy & Emissions Vincent Doedee

Tesla Battery Day in 16 minutes

Elon Musk made some big announcements. The company is planning to get rid of Cobalt in their batteries and to manufacture its own “tabless” batteries, called 4860 cells. This type of battery is six times more powerful, and the range will be increased by 16 percent. The new battery technology will make a $25,000 Tesla car a reality.

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Materials & Circularity Vincent Doedee Materials & Circularity Vincent Doedee

Mining Space for Resources

Getting rare materials from the ground into your phone is ugly. The mining industry is responsible for air and water pollution and the destruction of entire landscapes. But what if we could replace the mining industry on Earth with a clean process that can’t harm anyone? Well, we can. All we need to do is look up.

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Energy & Emissions Vincent Doedee Energy & Emissions Vincent Doedee

The Truth about Capturing CO2

Carbon capture and storage is often brought up as a solution to climate change, but do we really need it, how much of an impact could it really make, and is it in fact just an excuse to keep burning fossil fuels, letting heavy polluting industries off the hook? It's time to find out the truth.

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People & Nature Vincent Doedee People & Nature Vincent Doedee

Roaring Twenty-Twenties: Accelerating Energy Transition

It is summer 2020. We have ‘survived’ the first wave of Corona. The future is uncertain. There is much talk about impending economic doom. As the eternal optimist however, I present a different view. One that can propel us to a sustainable all-time economic high. If we play our cards right, I believe we could create another “roaring twenties” in the coming decade.

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Energy & Emissions Vincent Doedee Energy & Emissions Vincent Doedee

The Economics of Nuclear Energy

Investment in renewables reached 273 billion dollars in 2018. Why not nuclear? Countries that produce a lot of low-carbon energy (like France) pay way less for their killowatt-hours. So why are baseload providing nuclear power reactors losing the battle against natural gas stations? Let’s dive into the economics of nuclear power stations.

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